Friday, March 2, 2012

Dutch Dispatch Assisted Suicide Squads

Dutch Dispatch Assisted Suicide Squads

The website is abrupt, describing it’s purpose in true flat Dutch style “The life clinic is designed for people with a death wish

Dutch Dispatch Assisted Suicide SquadsOn February 6, 2012, Levenseindekliniek - Life-end Clinic - announced that from March 1, 2012.will have mobile teams where people who think they comply with the criteria for euthanasia can register,” Right-to-die NL (NVVE) spokeswoman Walburg de Jong said. Six specialised teams will criss-cross the Netherlands to carry out euthanasia at the home of patients whose own doctors refuse to do so, Right-to-die NLNVVE, a pro-euthanasia group - spokeswoman Walburg de Jong said. ”If they comply, the teams will carry out the euthanasia at patients’ homes should their normal doctors refuse to help them.”

Ms De Jong says the group has teams made up of a specially-trained doctor and nurse who will work part time, visiting patients all over the Netherlands. The Netherlands became the first country in the world to legalise euthanasia in April 2001 – see below – and has strict criteria regulating how such mercy killings can be carried out.

Patients must be mentally alert when making the request to die. Patients also have to face a future of “unbearable, interminable suffering” and both the patient and the doctor – who have to obtain a second opinion – before euthanasia is carried out, must agree there is no cure. Each euthanasia case is then reported to one of five special commissions, each made up of a doctor, a jurist and an ethical expert charged with verifying that all criteria had been observed. Read the full article »»»»

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