Thursday, June 6, 2013

Will Fairfax Paywall Cannibalise it's Printing Press?

The death of print is back on the tips of expert tongues with Fairfax Media announcing it is hoping to replicate the success of its international digital subscription service when it launches a metered paywall in Australia next month. From July 2, visitors to The Age and Sydney Morning Herald websites will have free access to 30 articles each month, any reading after that will cost.

Fairfax chief executive Greg Hywood says the move is part of a restructure which will save the company an additional $60 million by the end of September - this year, ambitiously - Mr Hywood told an investor briefing this morning that the restructure aimed to reduce duplication across the business, with a minimal impact on content and sales.

While Mr Hywood warned of a sharp fall in Fairfax's overall earnings, he said there were no plans to eliminate the print versions of any of the company's mastheads. In march this year Fairfax Killed of it's familiar broadsheets, consigning the format to the history books, with the first tabloid editions of The Sydney Morning Herald and The Age rolling off the printing presses on March 4, does a paywall signal the further shrinkage of physical paper as a source of news?

Mr Hywood reiterated that the company had "no plans" to kill of print, however many media analysts believe that his statements only apply to the company's popular weekend print editions :: Read the full article »»»»

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